Coppice – Epoxy

Coppice – Epoxy

Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £4.00.

The prolific Chicago based duo of Noé Cuéllar and Joseph Kramer have produced a steady stream of increasingly impressive music for a few years now. This cassette sees Coppice focus less on the electronics and bellows their releases have normally involved, and instead turns the ear back on the recording process itself. The duo played a number of improvisations with various guest musicians, and captured the performances using a tape deck modified to play back and record at the same time. Exactly how this process works isn’t quite clear, but the end result is two pieces of strange, hauntingly oblique music that completely disguise the voice, cello, guitars, etc that are apparently embedded in there somewhere and replace them with a smudged blur of intriguing, strange activity. It’s more a kind of immediate, acoustic musique concrète than improvisation in its natural sense, full of murky but vastly contrasting colours and a wide range of dynamics.

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