Martijn Comes – Interrogation Of The Crystalline Sublime

Martijn Comes – Interrogation Of The Crystalline Sublime


2 x CD housed in 6 panel cover…

hear atmospheres, sound shapes, gestural narratives, spectral trajectories, stochastic rhythms and phasic space when I encounter an environment rich in sonic phenomena.

But in order to be open to this meta-sensory information, I must first get my ears out of the way. I don’t listen with my ears but with an inner sensory apparatus, what Goethe called “organs of perception,” that I have developed over the years.

Once opened to this world sound becomes something very different—it’s as if one could previously only see in black and white and suddenly were able to see in color. One becomes a witness to a full range of qualities and events that were previously inaccessible.

The drone is not a steady-state sound but a constellation of sound objects that lie hidden beneath a simple surface. The listener can penetrate this surface when they allow time to exist in a space where the past and future collapse into an infinitesimal, yet infinite, moment. –  Kim Cascone / San Francisco, Nov 20 2015

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