Sound Meccano – Salty Wind / Inner Fire
Sound Meccano is an alias of Rostislav Rekuta, a seasoned sound designer and field recordist from Riga, Latvia, who’s been making electronic, electroacoustic and ambient music since 1999, most often – in collaborations with various local musicians. While this name might not yet ring a loud bell worldwide and the number of records released till now has been sparse, it was definitely not because of lack of quality or work put into the music. In fact, it’s the opposite, and hopefully the recent string of releases might change that. Continuing the collaboration with the fellow ambient guitarist Jura Laiva (whose alias is a pun on his first name and words in Latvian, and which loosely translates as Sea Boat), first documented on 2 recent EPs on Crónica and Flaming Pines, Sound Meccano presents the first full-length album of this configuration.
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