Hakobune – Recalling My Insubstantial Thoughts

Hakobune – Recalling My Insubstantial Thoughts


How lucky we are to have some of these little beauties shipped in from Japan!!! Limited edition of 200 housed in paper sleeve with fabric seal…

Hakobune is the moniker for Takahiro Yorifuji based in Japan and this is his 17th full length! Side A, the title track kicks things off with some nice lush electronic drones. REALLY lush. So simple, and so great. Harmonious and organic, it doesn’t even sound THAT electronic. The harmonies shift ever so slightly, barely noticeable. I feel like an ocean is singing and the harmonies are just washing over me in waves, but gentle ones!

Side B, titled Maps, is also a drone affair but things sound a bit more – in music theory language – minor, or diminished, as opposed to the first side which had more of a major/happier vibe. Side B sounds a little more pensive. Some birds in the background. Frogs underneath the drone! Some very quiet waves crashing, or what could be wind. – Virtual Ritual

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