Francesco Giannico – Metrophony (Deluxe)
For the deluxe limited version, in an edition of just 75 copies, we decided to change mediums and worked in the neighboring Berkeley silkscreening workshop called the Grease Diner. The set of hand silkscreened 6” square prints are renditions of the dark and moody photographs taken by Giannico himself in the subway. Each of these 12 unique prints is printed on a different sort of paper… ancient ledger papers, music sheets, rice papers, antique vellum, cardboard etc. They come in a vintage, hand stamped, 7” 45rpm sleeve from a 60 year old vinyl binder. Each outer envelope is then tied up with a string, from which hangs a used ticket from the Rome metro system. Also included within the set of prints is a scrap of paper detritus from the stations and trains, and a factory pressed CD in a hand stamped cotton sleeve.
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