Baseline Issue 58 (Book)

Baseline Issue 58 (Book)

Original price was: £20.00.Current price is: £10.00.

Baseline covers the related areas of graphic art, multimedia, architecture and typographic design. The articles are written by internationally recognised contributors and its design and print production regularly wins major international design awards.

Issue 58:

Welcome to Baseline issue 58, our spring issue. As usual the designs of the cover and jacket reflect some aspects of the features published here. The cover shows the numbers 50 and 8 in Lagoon, an Armenian typeface by Carolyn Puzzovio. The jacket, which doubles as poster, is a photographic collage of urban stencil characters.

The two books, which are reviewed, are essential references for any serious design library.
Paul Shaw reflects on Helmut Schmid’s homage to Emil Ruder, typographer and educator at the renowned Kunstgewerbeschule in Basle. Paul Razzell comments on David Jury’s vast 400 pages artist book reference catalogue, which presents an important record of the first biennial Codex Book Fair and Symposium, Berkeley, California.

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We start off our articles with an extract from a postgraduate research project, titled ‘Designing information for everyday life’, at the University of Reading. The research team, headed by Paul Stiff, shows us 19th century maps, tables and documents.

Steven Heller is prompting the question ‘The return of stencil lettering: Had it ever gone’. The Stenso Lettering Guide by Ruth and Robert Libauer with its patented stencil sheets from 1942 was in popular use long before photo type or the computer.

‘Control Print 4’ is the concluding part of the research series, instigated by the Royal College of Art in London. Russell Warren-Fisher, heading the research, gives us a final summary of this project. Baseline was delighted to give this successful project a wider international forum.

Arnold Schwartzman, designer and film maker in Los Angeles, comments about his visual research, the gathering of authentic props and the detailing for his spy novel book cover designs of best selling author Len Deighton, published by Harper Collins.

Mark Stewart Cassidy reflects on Adrian Tyler’s meaningful photographic documentation. The article shows square-on frontal views of living spaces on the Outer Western Isles and the Orkneys
in Scotland.

We close the feature section with Carolyn Puzzovio’s concluding part of her research into the history and contemporary development of Armenian typeface design.


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