The Fun Years / Cut featuring Gibet – Split Vol. 2

The Fun Years / Cut featuring Gibet – Split Vol. 2

Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £6.00.

Two is the right number to symbolize this release. Here is the second volume of our split series that highlights 2 two-man bands living in two different cities. Whereas the fun years live in different parts of the United States, .cut is based in Montreal and Lyon, where gibet, Albérick’s accomplice, lives. Musically, this record gathers two of the most exciting laptop & guitar duets.


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On the A side, the fun years presents a particularly interesting score. As the band recorded two long albums with continuing tracks, we were expecting one or two long tracks. On the contrary, they are offering five short independent songs. Despite the short length of the support, their effort is presented as a real album, with an intro (Am I having a stroke?) and an end (We don’t need no fucking theme songs). Between these two tracks, three various songs are unfolding, revealing the fun years’ huge potential. From the impressive “Icon mockery” and its weightlessness massive explosions, to “Yellow is misleading and we might have just what you need”, more fastidious in terms of writing, nonetheless really easy to listen to.

On the B side, .cut featuring gibet offer two tracks in different formats but with equal intensity. “Up the River Da Nang…” could be the ideal soundtrack for The Thin Red Line by Terrence Malick. With their mix of meditative atmospheres leading to introspection and oppressive and violent elements against martial sounds, you can’t really be unaffected by this 10 minutes piece. The band’s radical approach glorifies the darkness, to the extent that it seems either sublime or unendurable. At last, “On the next morning I woke up and realised I was only part of the factory” is in proportion shorter than it’s title track and is more soothing, without choosing the easy way out.


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