Strië – Õhtul (Deluxe CD)

Strië – Õhtul (Deluxe CD)


Each of these gorgeous deluxe versions, in this edition of 100, will come in a fused double envelope package, comprised of two 6.5″ square, Midnight Black envelopes. Each of these envelopes will be hand worked/stamped/artified in the usual TRS manner…in one of them will come the black digipak in it’s own translucent envelope, also stamped, and in the other half of the package will come a set of three banded 4″ x 6″ hand printed color prints, on 300lb Moab Rag Natural paper, with accordingly mysterious quotes/Strieisms, and a 4″ x 6″ unassembled jigsaw puzzle also in it’s own translucent envelope featuring, as far as we know, the only somewhat recent picture of Ms Reinhart in existence. Strie is a puzzle..and is being released as such…


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Strië is the alter ego of the mysterious and public shy European sound sculptress, Iden Reinhart. Much has been made in the past of her elusive character…it has been said for instance, that she fled the spotlight in European classical music circles to retire to a life of creative seclusion in the countryside….country in particular currently undetermined! This is after living her youth as a child prodigy of some import…and we can state that even after dealing with her personally and quite congenially for most of the last six months, she is as much a mystery to us, at least, as ever!

Õhtul is her second release, her first being the very well received “Sleptis”, which was released on the Soundscaping label in 2010. Õhtul carries on in the same somewhat, at times, experimental vein, but with more of a texturally and darkly beautiful neo-classical feel throughout, this time….and with a definite and evident love of masters such as Henryk Gorecki and Arvo Part. Like a soundtrack to this elusive lifestyle she has chosen, with it’s feelings of the forests and historically deep histories of Eastern Europe, Õhtul draws us into it’s profound depths with much drama and grandeur. We are VERY pleased to be releasing this! – TRS


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