Giulio Aldinucci – Spazio Sacro

Giulio Aldinucci – Spazio Sacro


We are extremely pleased to be bringing you this beautiful new release from Italian soundscape artist, Giulio Aldinucci. Entitled “Spazio Sacro”, it is an absorbing blend of moody electronics and liturgical field recordings, or as the artist himself puts it…”

“The seven tracks that compose Spazio Sacro (“sacred space” in English) are characterized by field recordings taken in places that are related to the idea of “sacred” in different ways. The starting point is a reflection on how human rites define new soundscapes (e.g. processions, architecture of churches and cathedrals or ruins of isolated mountain sanctuaries). The audio material has been manipulated and the music has been written in a constant dialogue with my personal memories, especially those from childhood, when in my area (a small village in Tuscany, Italy) religious rites still marked the pace of the community life throughout the year.”

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