Erik Levander – Inåt

Erik Levander – Inåt

(1 customer review)


The album title ‘Inåt’, translating ‘Inwards’, refers to the introspectiveness of the compositions, drawing inspiration from personal struggles in everyday life. The track titles and music cycles point to another layer of context with the ongoing pattern in politics, and of people turning inward, being somewhat inescapable.

A more synth heavy release than 2018’s ‘Couesnon’, Inåt still features a vibrant blend of digital, analog and acoustic sounds. The clarinet is present at times, but also traces of other acoustic sources, all put through their paces with everything from guitar pedals to digital processing utilised, as Erik twists them into some wonderful tones, trails and timbres.

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SKU: SG1313 Category: Tag:


  1. Excellent engaging sound processing good Erik

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