Darren McClure – Apperception
Darren McClure is an Irish sound artist living in Matsumoto, Japan. His work focuses on texture, space and atmosphere. Sound sources are both analogue and digital, hardware and software, incorporating found sounds and field recordings to lend an organic, tactile quality to the pieces. His main intent is to create sound to both zone out to and zone into, a balance of widescreen drones and more minimal, abstract ambience. His material has appeared on imprints such as The Land Of, Unknown Tone, Flaming Pines, Symbolic Interaction to name a few. He has also become an in demand collaborator working with artists like Jose Soberanes, Miguel Isaza and Offthesky. He has released solo and collaborative work on a number of labels, across various formats. His music has also been used in conjunction with video work and documentary shorts.
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