Brinstaar – Infotswetock

Brinstaar – Infotswetock

Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £4.00.

‘I was creating Infotswetock using my guitar and some pedals, you can hear a synth I used in some tracks, it seems to be Polivoks as far as I remember. I had nowhere to play at that time, so I grabbed up my stuff and get it to the work office, and play the music when I had a break (and by the way, I want to say thanks to all colleagues and owners for the great patience they paid to me).

I made a creation process in the way of playing with hardware for a while to the moment I got sound I liked, then I get myself deep into sonar meditation. I improvised until I had my mind completely off, then I push the record button and get a condensed and intensive version in a right state of mind. Every track holds a several lines recorded in this way. For 2 years, while I was working on the album, I made hundreds of tracks, then I started to collect the coolest ones of them… then I dreamed a name Infotswetock, and that is how it was born.’ – Brinstaar

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