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  • £7.50 Quickview

    Norman Westberg – The Chance To

    Comes housed in LCR's a lovely hand-printed letterpress packaging with CD wrap and digital collage cover by K. Craig... Many listeners to Westberg’s solo recordings have noted the depth and subtlety of his compositions and these four tracks are no exception.They have a rare ability to echo both the clarity of minimalism and the maximal intensity of the best overdriven rock bands. Opening track ‘Andrea F’ is a case in point, moving from clashing overtones to an almost-choral central section before introducing pitched bass tones that move the track into a new realm. There are moments elsewhere that have an unsettling quality, but the patience and care taken with the sounds ensures the album as a whole retains a warm humanity rather than moving into alienating territories. Fundamentally, there is always a lightness of touch to Westberg’s compositions.
    £7.50 Quickview