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    Cuni / Durand – Already Awake In The Night

    Werner Durand is coming from the minimalist tradition. He performs his own music for saxophones, Iranian ney and self-made wind instruments since the late seventies, instruments which he enriched through a variety of materials and playing techniques, including digital delays, providing rich textures and ecstatic rhythms. He also started building wind instruments out of plexi-glass and PVC in the early 80s, which led to the foundation of the ensemble The 13th Tribe in 1990. He was a member of Arnold Dreyblatt’s Orchestra of Excited Strings and has collaborated with numerous composers/performers including David Behrman, David Moss, Muslimgauze, Henning Christiansen, David Toop, David Maranha and Ulrich Krieger.  
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    £5.00 Quickview

    Artificial Memory Trace – Boto

    Limited edition of 250 copies, hand numbered and includes a bespoke soft paper insert… Artificial Memory Trace is the long standing musical project of Slavek Kwi, who was born in Czechoslovakia, lived for 14 years in Belgium, and since 2000 has been based in Ireland. Slavek has been making music for more than 20 years under the label Artificial Memory Trace. His works are precise combinations of restructured (mostly) environmental sounds, where the notions of perception, sensation, cognition, and ultimately reality are questioned, notably through the use of musique concrète techniques and graphics scores, sometimes combined with elements of performance.
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