

Showing 81–88 of 88 results


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81-88 of 88 products

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    Bible & Henry – Marker/Magnet (2 x Tape)

    Originally released individually, Bible & Henry’s Marker and Magnet are two complimentary volumes in a set that covers quite a bit of ground, and covers it quite masterfully. The duo’s work here is mostly in the area of electroacoustic improvisation and musique concrète. Jeremy and Jason manage to utilize the tiny musical space they’ve allotted themselves and stretch it out to a length of over two hours. Typically I’d say this is an accident waiting to happen, but these fellows have pulled it off with class to spare. Never does anything sound recycled or looped, never is there a moment where the music returns to a point. It is always winnowing, sifting, threshing through waves of electronic abstractions and obscured acousmatic sounds. The result is a confounding experience in which I find myself searching for some familiarity and finding little. There are moments of potential clarity, but those are seldom and surprising when they arrive. The rest of these compositions are steeped in mystery and endless engagement. This is not background music; please listen with care.
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    Archers By The Sea – Eagle Kiss (Tape)

    Cassette from Vincent of “V” and The Pistol Cosmos. Blackest Rainbow previously released “V”s The Chanting Path a few years ago to some great reviews… Five untitled pieces opening with a mediative guitar meandering, leading into more powerful heavy distorted pieces and right back through to a superb final track of layered instrumentation with beautiful distant vocal flowing in and out of the hypnotic sounds laid across the almost 16 minute finale. Full colour covers, pro-dubbed and limited to 100.
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    Indian Weapons – Labyrinth (Tape)

    Brad Rose, Nathan Young and Eden Hemming Rose take us on a journey of radical synth spirits from dark and heavy through to a blissed euphoric finish.
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    £3.50 Quickview

    Driphouse – Root 91 (Tape)

    Darren Ho’s latest trip down the rabbit hole is a baroque maze lit with neon lights. Machine music for The Blue Danube. Piano, harpsichord and synthesis all set adrift, levitating into minimal jewels of sound.
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    Damian Valles – Fixtures (Tape)

    Fixtures’ contains 9 tracks that expand on the darker, more noisier elements found in the droning/ambient soundscapes Valles has been experimenting with as of late. A blend of distorted sounds, dusty acoustic guitars, old pianos, and field recordings mixed with slowly evolving tones and brooding passages. Released in an edition of  50 copies in cassette format & beautifully packaged in a 2 colour screen printed slipcase. Released through the Australian imprint  Left (field) Recordings.
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    Drekka – Live In Europe 2010 (Tape)

    To chronicle part of his European tour, Drekka (Michael Anderson) releases Live in Europe 2010 exclusively on Chemical Tapes. Forty six minutes of intense arcane cinematic ambience that was recorded live in various Italian and Slovenian cities during November 2010.
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    Mohave Weapons – Smoked Mystics (Tape)

    Anthropological audiophiles feared that all forms of smouldered geometric sound magic had died away when Europeans reached far in to the desert wilderness of western America. Although this sand based kahuna was never officially outlawed, the decline of native culture saw many forms of sonic sorcery die out as the acoustic conjurers were unable to pass on their wisdom to new aural apprentices.
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